CCTV cameras installed in Canvey to curb drag racing

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Essex County Council decided to install a couple of CCTV cameras in Roscommon Way, Canvey, in a bid to prevent high-speed drag races which typically occurred after dark, a news report in the local media has revealed.

After a serious investigation into the resident’s claims related to anti-social behaviour caused by vehicles in this area, a permanent solution was needed to make the road less attractive to “racing enthusiasts”.

After some serious consideration on the matter, installing the cameras was considered to be the most affordable solution. Putting up the cameras is likely to cost around £5,000 and will be match funded by Essex County Council and Castle Point Borough Council.

Councillor Ray Howard, ward councillor for Canvey Island West, has been working with the residents of Haven Road, said: “I am really pleased.

“These cameras will help to deter those that are using Roscommon Way as a racetrack, this is not only worrying for those that live nearby but it also highly dangerous and against the law.

“The installation of these cameras is also a great example of partnership working amongst the twoCouncils, the Local Highways Panel and Essex Police to support those in the community.”

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