CCTV could help tackle break-in hotspots

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break in hotspotsCCTV could help tackle break-in hotspots in towns or cities. A case in point is Edinburgh, with housebreakings increasing to a total of 1,625 from 1,423 in the past year. Meanwhile, bike thefts rose by 18 per cent as thieves made off with 1,705 cycles during the 12 month period. Lib Dem councillor Louise Lang, who represents Leith Walk, welcomed the area’s 20 per cent drop in crime, though it maintains the unwanted position as the city’s break-in hotspot. She said: "Obviously housebreaking remains an issue for us and a big part of that may be down to the large volume of tenement properties in the area.”

Local authorities or households would benefit from a deterrent like a CCTV camera, available from CCTV Surveillance Ltd. We are experienced in the installation and maintenance of both large and small CCTV systems to suit an individual budget or need. Our models have colour CCD sensors, so footage will always be recorded in full colour. We also provide cameras with a range of facilities to cater for differing light range or colours, enabling clear pictures whether day or night.

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