CCTV footage aids in foiling botched crime attempt

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CCTv foil botched crimePossibly the worst crime attempt in the world by a gang involving a ‘cat-stuck-up-a-tree’ type of episode was foiled with the help of CCTV. The owner of a family home in the north-eastern suburb of Heaton chased two members of a suspected burglary gang, who scrambled out through a skylight. A check of CCTV revealed there were in fact three intruders. They scarpered upstairs and the owner watched as they slithered down the roof, jumped 30ft (9m) and ran off.

A search – also involving police – found nothing, but later noises on the roof meant that 10 police cars and a fire engine arrived, while the Northumbria force helicopter also attended. The intruder, wearing a hood, tried to get away but lacked the nerve to jump and was eventually coaxed down a ladder by police.

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