Digital CCTV body cameras turn up the heat on crime

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heat wave burglary goes upPolice are warning against people leaving doors and windows open during the heat wave as it is causing burglaries to soar. Detective Inspector Nigel Oliver, who leads Portsmouth’s burglary investigation team, pointed out that in the vast majority of cases the thief was able to get through a door or window that had been left unlocked or open. In one instance a thief went through the back of a home which was left unlocked, stole a mobile phone and a wallet and a purse containing bank cards and a slip of paper with the PIN written on it. Later on, money had been withdrawn from the bank account.

Increase the security at your home or premises with CCTV Surveillance Ltd cameras, which are available for indoor and outdoor environments, day or night shooting. Digital CCTV body cameras are usually higher quality than bullet cameras, and our range is no exception. Body cameras require a lens to be attached: Vari-focal lenses can be employed which allow you to manually adjust the zoom level of your body camera. This awards you the ability to shape your CCTV security system exactly to your requirements.

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