Easy to install CCTV bullet cameras protect properties where space is at a premium

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CCTV Surveillance Ltd security solution for a property monochrome or colour Digital CCTV Bullet Cameras A “pack of lies”: that is how a judge described in court a man’s made-up story about a mugging that was proved wrong by CCTV cameras. Teesside man Alex Jones was helping his wife, who was a cash collector, but lost a bag of money. He used the robbery ruse to hide this error, but CCTV checks on the scene of the ‘crime’ showed no robbery, and Jones was later arrested for perverting the course of justice.

Our CCTV Surveillance Ltd consultant will help your firm choose the best CCTV security solution for a given property or position. Digital CCTV surveillance cameras can be monochrome or colour. Digital CCTV Bullet Cameras are digital cameras mounted in a cylindrical or ‘bullet’ casing. This makes them easy to install when pointing them in the right direction, and keeps the case compact. The compact size and inbuilt lens of the bullet cameras make them ideal for situations where space and price are key factors.

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