Facial recognition CCTV technology to be deployed across Grimsby town centre

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New facial recognition CCTV cameras are set to be deployed across Grimsby town centre in an attempt to curb the violence, shoplifting and anti-social behaviour that have been plaguing the area, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

The advanced systems will record and compare facial characteristics with images on police databases and could help keep Grimsby’s Top Town safer, say police chiefs. It is one of the measures being discussed by a multi-agency task group aiming to curb the anti-social behaviour and violence in Top Town.

The multi-agency task group includes representatives of Humberside Fire and Rescue Service, Humberside Police, North East Lincolnshire Council, businesses, Stagecoach and different departments within the local authority including environmental services, buildings and economic regeneration

The focus has turned on Grimsby town centre after a spree of criminal damage in July and a number of assaults. In fact, local business representatives have argued that visitors to Grimsby face “a gauntlet of street drinkers, druggies, charity representatives, shoplifters and fast cyclists” in the pedestrian zone in Victoria Street.

It is hoped that the new facial recognition CCTV cameras could identify violent offenders, shoplifters and drug dealers, with other measures to improve the local area including increased police patrols, more North East Lincolnshire Council enforcement officers, more litter bins and improved street scene furniture.

CCTV Surveillance – The experts in deploying Facial Recognition CCTV systems

The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

This biometric technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).

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