Shop surveillance kit delivers clear pictures whether at day or night

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identification robbery suspect trial witness footage security camera network CCTV Surveillance Ltd. digital HD illegally gain entry depot building colour CCD sensors clear picturesThe identification of a robbery suspect has been called into question at a trial. Expert witness Benedict Spencer told a court that the man in the film said to have been Imran Mostafa was “stockier” and had a “broader build” than Mostafa. The view of prosecution witness William Platts was different, saying that Mostafa’s appearance could have been distorted by him wearing “multiple layers of clothes.” Mostafa was accused of being part of a gang which raided a jewellery shop.

There is one way to gain the best CCTV footage available – get a security camera network installed by CCTV Surveillance Ltd. We offer high-quality digital and HD kit so that if anyone illegally tries to gain entry to your depot or building they will be identified. Our models of camera have colour CCD sensors, so footage will always be recorded in full colour. We also provide cameras with a range of facilities to cater for differing light range or colours enabling clear pictures whether day or night.

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