Software allows no degradation of video quality

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Re resign of police workWholesale cuts to budgets could damage forces’ ability in England and Wales to fight crime, says a new analysis of the future of policing. A "total redesign" of how officers work could save 12%, but further cuts would hit police availability, said the Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Sir Denis O’Connor. He added: "We are today challenging the police, managers and politicians who make strategic decisions about the future of policing in England and Wales, to use our reports to examine their choices thoroughly so that the public’s safety and well-being are not put at risk."

It is almost certain there will be fewer visible police in the wake of budget restrictions, so to maintain security at your site using a CCTV Surveillance Ltd camera system is vital. One of the main features of our CCTV systems is that they are integrated to work with a standard PC monitor. This has been achieved through the development of sophisticated CCTV software. It enables "live" footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

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