Ultimate spy cam technology can be hidden to protect outdoor facilities

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scrap dealers police rising metal theft Covert cameras CCTV Surveillance Ltd spy cam technology criminals catching in the act Under a new initiative scrap dealers are partnering with police and other organisations to cap the rising tide of metal theft. The new code of practice will make tracing stolen metal much easier. The onus is on the dealer to do a number of things. These include: Maintaining CCTV while the business is open; and keeping records of any vehicles used to transport the metal and the material itself.

CCTV is a vital weapon in fighting scrap metal and other crime involving outdoor facilities. Covert cameras from CCTV Surveillance Ltd are the ultimate in spy cam technology. These are tiny devices that can be hidden in places such as smoke alarms – spying on criminals and catching them in the act. Covert cameras can be added to your CCTV installation to ensure that your needs are met. CCTV Surveillance are committed to bringing you exactly what you demand of your CCTV system. We can uniquely customise your CCTV system around your requirements.

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