Using CCTV to track and fight anti-social behaviour

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Mobile phone technology can now tell you the top ten towns where anti-social behaviour is a problem according to local residents. The Asborometer, which is on an application for an iPhone, tells the time and location of any Anti-Social Behavioural Orders (Asbos) issued in the neighbourhood.

The application also lists the top ten worst Asbo towns, based on the percentage of locals who believe anti-social behaviour is a problem. London boroughs account for all the top five of the Asbo towns, while Slough (South East) on 35.2% is seventh.

If a building you own is near where anti-social behaviour can occur, you can gain peace of mind with CCTV Surveillance Ltd, the top UK installer and maintenance service provider of evidence quality digital CCTV camera and recording surveillance systems. A range of CCTV cameras; digital video recorders; professional CCTV security monitors; and weatherproof and vandal-proof accessories are available to suit all your requirements.

CCTV Surveillance Ltd’s CCTV camera models have colour CCD sensors, so footage will always be recorded in full colour. The company also provides cameras with a range of facilities to cater for differing light range or colours enabling clear pictures, whether day or night.
The CCTV security monitors give high definition monitoring and enhanced functionality. From black and white CRT to hi-resolution colour LCD monitors, we have a product ideal for your premises.

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