Improve Construction Site Security with our CCTV Systems & CSCS Smart Cards
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Maintaining a completely secure construction site for the duration of the required time on-site can prove extremely difficult without the use of CCTV surveillance, CSCS smart cards and rapid deployment CCTV.
CCTV Security Systems for Construction Sites
Throughout the construction process of a house, block of flats, or whatever it may be, there is always a risk of unwanted people entering the site during closed hours to help themselves to tools, materials or equipment.
Our range of CCTV systems, including rapid deployment CCTV, gives construction companies the reassurance that their sites are well-looked after and remain secure throughout the building process. Rapid deployment CCTV protects assets located in vulnerable or remote locations, where there is a lack of power and/or communications, making it the perfect solution for construction sites. Once one project is done, you can pack the rapid deployment CCTV up and set it up at the next project.
To learn the key features of a rapid deployment CCTV system, click the link above or check out our rapid deployment CCTV article.
CSCS Site Visitor Cards
Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) has been developed into our software suite of products to allow seamless integration between the CSCS smart card and our access control, time management, visitor/contractor management and fire/evacuation roll-call systems, including turnstiles and biometric verification devices (facial recognition and fingerprint recognition).
The integration allows a ‘one card fits all’ philosophy where contractors who attend CSCS sites use their existing CSCS smart card to not only identify them as a CSCS certified tradesman but also to clock in/out of site for attendance monitoring, grant access to the site and log them on and off the evacuation roll-call which is automatically printed when an alarm is triggered.
For more information regarding our range of CCTV systems, rapid deployment CCTV or CSCS smart cards, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to help.
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