Infra red cameras ensure security and safety onsite throughout any light conditions

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schools surveillance cameras changing room accredited CCTV Surveillance Ltd consultant Infra red see in absolute darkness ensure security and safety sites throughout any light conditionsMore than 200 schools across the UK admit to using to surveillance cameras in loos and changing room areas as part of their overall security practices. Nearly one in 10 of the schools which use CCTV said cameras were positioned in such places. A Department for Education spokesman said: “CCTV can be beneficial in some cases but this is a decision that head teachers should take. Schools using CCTV are required by law to adhere to the Data Protection.”

If you are unsure as to whether to use CCTV cameras in a given situation, our accredited CCTV Surveillance Ltd consultant will help you choose the best one for a given position. Infra red cameras are ever popular due to their ability to see in ‘absolute darkness’. By utilising infra red light these cameras ensure security and safety for your sites throughout any light conditions. Infra red detectors can either be added to body cameras, or often inbuilt infra red cameras purchased for your CCTV solution.

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